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25hBD: Total immersion

25hBD: Total immersion

In October, during the winter light saving switch, the “25 hours of comics and illustration” take place. A topic and a constrain are provided, and participants have to make a series of 12 comic pages or illustrations.In 2019, the topic was “total immersion” and the (Click to read more)



How about you? What is your favourite shape?

CultureBD interview

CultureBD interview

I have been pleased to be interviewed by Virginie Kroun, for the French website! This is part of “Toile montante”, an interview series of comic blogs authors published on the website. I made some drawings for the occasion. Click here to see the article!



A drawing I made for a friend who just graduated.

Inktober 2017

Inktober 2017

Last month, I took part in Inktober, an ink drawing challenge created by Jack Parker. I decided to make one drawing a day reprensenting an endangered animal, following a list made by DNKN HLFT. Here are all my drawings! I did not know most of (Click to read more)

25hBD 2017

25hBD 2017

This weekend I took part in the “25h BD” (25 hours of comic). We had 25 hours, including the night of the daylight-savings time change, to draw a comic or a series of illustrations. A theme and a constraint were given at the last moment. (Click to read more)

Forgeron Baston: Demo

Forgeron Baston: Demo

If you could not visit us but wish to try the game out, know that it is available for download on the Grenoble Game Lab website.

The Biologist

The Biologist

Here is a new “making of” video, showing the process of a watercolor painting. This time, I tried to vary the framing and skip some part, in order to make the video shorter and more interesting. And here is the final illustration : This is, (Click to read more)