
I made a few ant drawings to illustrate a video from Cent Gènes, on YouTube. It is a science outreach channel on the about genetics. The video is in French, but English subtitles are available!
This post is also available in Français.
English subbed version
I made a few ant drawings to illustrate a video from Cent Gènes, on YouTube. It is a science outreach channel on the about genetics. The video is in French, but English subtitles are available!
This post is also available in Français.
Enjoyed the video and your illustrations, thank you for the link.
An interesting tiny error in your illustration: at 5:25 you illustrate two colours with codes #E2VC75 and #ECV5A7 … but of course the Vs should be Bs, as these are real colour codes in hex (and the subtitles get this right as #E2BC75 AND #ECB5A7); I guess the error is something to do with V and B sounding similar in French? A funny mistake for an illustrator to make! Also, for what it’s worth, #ECB5A7 looks more like a redhead to me than the brown you’ve illustrated.
Good subtitles on the video, helped me understand the French.
Dear Michael,
Thank you for your comment! I am glad your enjoyed the video and could understand it well thanks to the subtitles. I am sharing your feedback with the author of the video! If you liked his work, you can check his YouTube channel “Cents Gènes”, there are a few other ones there.
You are quite observative, well done for catching the mistake, I had not! However, I am not the one who added the color code captions on screen, I only made the drawing underneath. I chose the colors to apply to my illustrations based on the script of the video which I assume the subtitles are also based on, which explains why they got it right.
Considering that, I assume the mistake on the hex code in the caption is simply due to a typo during video editing. I am forwarding your remark to the author to let him know, although I am not sure it is possible to make such correction on a YouTube video once it is online.
Thanks and have a great day!